Statement: Common Council of New Britain to Consider Resolution on Middle East Conflict

Good Evening Members of the Common Council,
I rise today to express my strong opposition to the proposed resolution 5. While the intention behind this resolution is commendable in its pursuit of peace, it fails to present a balanced perspective and risks undermining our city’s alignment with democratic values and international alliances.
The resolution implies that the State of Israel — a democratic nation and a key ally of the United States — is primarily at fault in this conflict. Yet, we must acknowledge that Israel was established in 1948 as a homeland for the Jewish people, following a United Nations resolution. Since its inception, Israel has faced persistent threats to its sovereignty and the security of its people. Israel’s right to defend itself against terrorism and regional instability must be recognized and respected.
Moreover, the resolution overlooks Israel’s significant contributions to global innovation, technology, and culture — achievements that benefit people worldwide, including right here in New Britain. Our city, which values diversity and inclusivity, should stand with nations that share our commitment to democracy, freedom, and the rule of law.
Although New Britain has not previously passed a resolution in support of Israel, it is crucial that we do so now. By supporting Israel, we affirm our commitment to these shared values and stand with a nation that plays a vital role in maintaining stability and security in the Middle East.
In contrast, the proposed ceasefire resolution, while well-intentioned, risks sending a message that could be interpreted as one-sided and not fully representative of the complexities of the conflict. I urge you to reject this resolution and (a) get back to the pressing business of the city, and/or (b) instead consider how we can promote peace and stability in a way that acknowledges the rights and security of all involved.
Thank you.
Remarks, as prepared, to be given before the New Britain Common Council on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.