It is Time to Start a New Journey… Let’s Shatter our Political Paradigm

Today, I am leaving the Republican Party after being a member for the last decade. It is time to start a new journey, toward political independence. I still continue to hold many of the same viewpoints, but we need to place a greater emphasis — now more than ever — on understanding one another and actually solving problems — not blaming each other.
I have been working with (the late) Oz Griebel, Monte Frank, David Jolly, and others involved in Serve America Movement (SAM) — a movement that empowers voters and their elected representatives to reject the traditional left-right paradigm on which our current politics is centered on. Members can have differing views on policy but must agree on a set of universal principles (Transparency, Accountability, Problem Solving, and Electoral Competition).
I am proud that my last vote as a Republican was for Themis Klarides — a leader who understands and listens. We need more leaders who stand up for what is true, never back down, and fight for what they believe in. I have always supported principled individuals regardless of party.
They say, “all politics is local” — There is a historic opportunity in front of this nation — the ability to develop another major party from the ground up. A party rooted not in ideology, but in shared values of governing. I am ready to take this leap of faith because I’ve come to the conclusion — it is the right thing to do.