Comments Before the New Britain Common Council (3/11/20)
Majority Leader Salerno, Members of the New Britain Common Council,
I come before you this evening to comment on two items on tonight’s agenda — Resolution 2: the “Gender Neutralizing Ordinance”, and Resolution 3: the “Plastic Bag Ordinance”.
As to Resolution #2, I was pleased that under the leadership Alderwoman Beloin-Saavedra during last week’s Administration-Finance-Law (AFL) meeting, you all were able to come to a bipartisan compromise which resulted in language which all parties can live with. As I said last week, is it ideal — no; but that is the nature of compromise. While it is well documented that the Mayor put forth this resolution because she’s sick of seeing “he” all over the ordinances — which might I add, damn right she has the right to be annoyed by that — we must find a way to be inclusive to as many individuals as possible. By adopting the amended resolution — and voting YES — this council once again is committing that not only is our City, but now our government will be open and accepting to all current and future leaders.
Now… Resolution #3 — The plastic bag ordinance. I was surprised when I observed that this resolution was coming off the table. It is my understanding that Alderpersons Rosado, Salerno, Santiago, and Ayalon came together in a working group to propose substantial changes, in the form of a strike-all amendment. I am shocked that these Alderpersons did not make an active effort to consult advocates in the community about any potential changes.
As Alderman Ayalon knows, I previously worked for Newtown First Selectwoman Pat Llodra and we spent over 100 hours working in a collaborative fashion with the business community, government leaders, and advocates to craft an ordinance which could work. When rumors started that New Britain was going to consider such an ordinance, I consulted with the First Selectwoman to make sure I could share some of our research — which she signed off on. I offered to sit down Alderman Ayalon in a non-partisan collaboration to bring about change in our community — however, he refused both in person and over email — several times. Now, when this Council wants to change an ordinance they turn blindly away from somebody who has expertise in helping to pass a very similar proposed ordinance. Taking everything into consideration, I hope this council rejects — and votes NO — on the proposed strike-all amendment and comes back to the table in a collaborative mindset.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to collaborating with the Mayor and Council on other initiatives going forward.